Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 241 - It's not nice to fool...

I walked to work on Monday with the Olympus in hand, intending to document the damage done to the good city of Fredericton by the winds and rain of Hurricane Irene. I felt a sort of guilty disappointment when I found little damage at all, but for the odd planter blown over or tiny branch on the street. So I decided to do a bit of a mockumentary, photographing the "damage" as evidence of how overblown (pardon the pun) the hype preceding the storm had been in NB.

How ironic it was, then, that Irene turned around and knocked out the power to our house (and our entire block) for 36 hours, robbing me of my ability to post my sarcastic response to her unexpectedly weak assault on this city. Just when I wanted to make fun of her, she took away my forum for doing so. At least or a day and a half. She left us living with candles and flashlights. We had to move all our food to the freezers and fridges of friends. Ahh, as the old commercial said, "It's not nice to fool [with] mother nature". Or Hurricane Irene.

Now, the power is now back on and the iMac is purring so I don't have to waste all those nice shots of the "carnage" Irene left in her wake. Other than the power outages that left about 50,000 New Brunswickans in the dark for anywhere between two and 36 hours, all the damage I could find is represented in these four photographs, snapped as I walked to work.

Overturned potted plants (and this photo shows just one of the two I saw), a toppled basketball net, fallen barricades and a couple of broken branches were, thankfully, the only real damage I could find. As for the photos themselves, I like the first and third best. They both have nice compositions and interesting colours. I'm not sure the basketball net pic works as art and the branch just seems to blend into the background.

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