Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - Snow Painting

I don't think there is much in nature that can rival a landscape painted with fluffy white snow. The crystal brushstrokes soften lines, highlight colours and bring a wonderful freshness to everything they touch, whether natural or artificial.

With 15 or so new centimetres of snow scattered around the city, Fredericton took on a magical look today, making the job of taking pictures easy but the job of choosing pictures hard. I went out about mid-morning and, in a three-block walk, snapped off about thirty photographs, any one of which I would have been proud to post here.

The top picture shows a narrow laneway between two streets in the city, with the trees that drape the scene beautifully covered with new-fallen snow. The middle picture, my personal fave, is a slightly cropped close-up of a long-needle tree (do NOT ask me to name it) painted with snow.

The last photo is a little more creative, with an extreme close-up of the snow-speckled name-plate of a battered old pick up truck. Even this banal little sign is made lovely by the flakes of snow. Now, I'm realizing that Blogspot offers only a limited amount of space for each blog so I think I'm going to have to be a bit more selective with how many photos I post per day.

Still, I think my project is off to a pretty good start.


  1. These are by far the best photos yet…I never would have thought to photograph the last one! You're so lucky to have snow… here's it's all rain. Best of luck on this project!!!

  2. The second picture looks like white palm trees to me.........great shots.
