Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 139 - Here's lookin' at you

This photograph makes me laugh. First of all, I like the look of it. The low light conditions in the room, the composition, the content itself. It's just a fun photo.

Patti and I were on Skype with my sister, Lynn, and her partner, Gavin, talking photography and cameras. It just so happens that both couples currently own the same Olympus digital camera and both Gavin and I have started to post our pictures on blogs.

So that, of course, led to Gavin taking a picture of us on his computer and me taking a picture of them (and us) on our computer. The result is a multilayered image with a lot going on. And the glow from the computer screen produces enough light to keep the shutter speed reasonably high while providing some pretty cool colours.

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