Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 144 - The Jaunty Pose

The older parts of Quebec City offer a wonderful collection of narrow streets and interesting alleyways that wind their way in and among the fabulous heritage buildings.

I took dozens of photographs of these kinds of streetscenes and was impressed with the variety these pictures produced. Here, Patti poses at the end of a passageway built into the wall of one of the buildings, a narrow walkway from the street to the courtyard of the building. As someone who loves balance and perspective in a photo, this was too good a shot to pass up. Of course, Patti's jaunty pose also contributes to the effectiveness of the image.

The photographer's challenge in shots like this is to ensure you get your light reading from the person rather than the darker alleyway and that you get as deep a focus as possible, so that both the face in the distance and the stone in the foreground are sharp.

1 comment:

  1. That's perfect scene for HDR exposures! Take 3 bracketed exposures then combine them for a higher dynamic range...
