Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 246 - The gates of academia

Back to the picturesque University of New Brunswick, where we find the brick pillars of the school's front gate. It's just too bad that this is not the gate most University faculty, staff or students use. Located at the bottom of the University, this gate (with a matching pillar on the other side of the entrance) leads to the football-shaped road that circles the main campus.

I'm pleased with this photograph because I managed to frame out all of the objects located nearby that interfere with the image: road signs, traffic lights, litter, construction barriers, etc.

I also had to fiddle with the light a bit and, to be honest, ended up using iPhoto's "Enhance Image" function to brighten the colours. It was a strange, kind of dismal day but the sun was still pushing a lot of light into the area from the left and behind the north-facing gate, making it difficult to get the colour and detail to show.

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