Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 160 - And the flowers that dazzle

I've said it before, probably too often, but there's something about direct sunlight that makes photography easy.

In this case, the late afternoon sun sets these flowers - are they flowers if they're on a tree? - aglow, creating a wonderful contrast between the dark green of the trees in the background and the crisp white of the flowers. And the leaves on the branch in the foreground also take on a lovely lustre with the sun behind them.

It's a bit of a trick to get the camera's settings right, since the light metre wants to say there's too much light or not enough light, depending on precisely where you're pointing the camera. And the autofocus struggles as well, forcing you to be very careful to ensure that it finds the flowers rather than the background trees.

I tried a number of different settings and decided on this one because I liked how bright the white flowers are. It was a bit of a battle to get the shot but the effort is worth it.

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