Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67 - Freezing Rain

A bright, sunny morning presented some beautiful sights: the trees in our backyard, their branches coated with a thin sleeve of ice, glistening in the sunshine.

Beautiful, yes, but difficult to capture on film. (That's an outdated expression, isn't it - "capture on film"?) I tried to photograph this delicate phenomenon in a variety of ways, from shooting the sun through the icicles that hung from our roof to reaching out to the very tops of a couple of ever-green trees to attempting to isolate the thin brown branches themselves against the blue sky. I think you can guess which approach worked best.

I think this is a nice picture. The blue is deep and lovely, the lattice-work of the branches provides interesting shapes and the ice does glisten, at least a little bit. So why do I feel disappointed with this effort? How can something so beautiful in the world lose so much when transferred through the camera's lens?

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