Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88 - Wilmot Once Again

You talk about your themes! It would seem to me that Wilmot United Church in downtown Fredericton is turning into something of a theme for this blog. Or perhaps you could call it a subject of study.

I have been planning this shot for some time. I had noticed that, on sunny days, the front facade of the church was always reflected nicely in the windows of the bank building across the way. In this case, the windows of the bank are smaller, surrounded by more concrete than in previous shots, so I thought it created an interesting effect. I'm impressed that most of the significant features of the church manage to place themselves, at least partially, in the bank's small windows.

I think it's a neat shot. No matter how I tried, I just couldn't get the church perfectly centred but that's okay. And you can see me in front of the church's blue front doors at the bottom of the frame.

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