Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87 - The Interview

I've been considering Michael Freeman's admonitions to photograph people on the streets (rather than just streetscapes) and to focus on small details and close-ups, trying to work each of these considerations into my recent shots. So you can bet I'm pretty happy with this picture since it does a nice job of combining the two.

Another example of reportage photography, with a bit of a twist, this shot simply presented itself to me as I walked out on the windy streets of downtown Fredericton during my lunch hour. I took a number of pictures, most of which captured the cameraman, reporter and the interviewee in a cluster, but I thought this one showed up as most interesting on the computer. I used the full 18-times zoom on the Olympus and, because I had to get the shot quickly, I left the camera on its automatic settings.

I'm pleased with the result. I think it's a visually interesting photograph that captures the essence of what was going on: a probing microphone and its stiff, uncomfortable target.

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